AI generated text-based adventures
Running a crowd-sourced adventure generated by ChatGPT on Twitter
This week, I was playing around with the idea of text-based adventure games created by ChatGPT (with little pushes here and there from me). To see if it could be interesting, I’ve been running a small adventure via Twitter, crowd-sourcing the main character’s choices.

The story is nearing its ending, and has been quite fun. Want to follow along? Vote for the next choice here:

Given that a number of people were interested, I’ll consider automating this and making a separate Twitter account for it.
The thing that it really opens my eyes towards is collaboration between human and AI. I’ve never been one for creative writing. It’s hard for me to invent fictional scenarios and characters. But with ChatGPT, a lot of this becomes easier as I can just nudge it in different directions (“make things more action packed!”, “introduce a group of people for the protagonist to talk with”) and then use the best thing that ChatGPT comes up with. Things are easier when you can use a tool to come up with hundreds of ideas and then use the best one.
If you use any of these tools for creative purposes, I’d love to talk to you about your workflow.