I’ve been building adventures.param.codes for the last few weeks. I only realized today that I hadn’t shared it on this newsletter. So this week’s post is a quick introduction to what it is, what I like about it and what things I’m excited to add to it!
Adventures is a website to play GPT-3 directed text based adventure games (ala Zork). Each day, GPT-4 generates a new starting prompt. This prompt is shared by everyone throughout the day. But from there, things can go anywhere. You make choices and then GPT-3 writes the story from there.
All this is accompanied by Dall-E 2 generated images, to make things more easily imaginable.
Currently, I’m working on making it easy to share the stories that get created. Here’s a sneak peek of a video created from one of the stories I played through:
There are lots of things to improve here, but I’m quite excited by the fact that AI has enabled me to create such media. Hope you like it too, let me know what you think!
If you ever want to do nonlinear (branching) storytelling, try out https://twine2.neocities.org/, even if you don't use it directly, it's a great interface for prototyping games like yours.
Another thing to check out is https://github.com/socketteer/loom, which I once tried to rewrite in Elm as a joke, and also as an experimental attempt to see how fast I could translate code using GPT-4.